Bila anda berkesempatan jalan2 melintas pulau dan menyebrang lautan. Apalagi bila ada banyak lokasi yg akan dikunjungi.Akan terasa lebih menyenangkan bila ada rekord atau catatannya menjadi kenangan yg bisa dilihat bersama teman atau keluarga, lama setelah itu.
Catatan perjalanan bisa berupa cerita kejadian, route, foto lokasi dlsb
Ada cara yg sekarang bisa dilakukan melalui gadget, baik hp, tab apalagi laptop.
Syarat utamanya, gadget anda telah terinstall aplikasi latitude atau yg sejenis dan map, dan tentu saja gadget anda terhubung ke network operator telekomunikasi untuk koneksi internet.
Kemudian yg juga diperlukan adalah bahwa anda telah punya akun media sosial network seperti facebook, tweeter atau lainnya.
Berikut adalah Langkah-langkah nya bila menggunakan tablet :
- tap pada icon latitude
- bila anda sudah memasukan akun email sbg user akan muncul identitas di halaman pertama
- tap identitas tersebut
- akan.muncul menu lain, pilih "check-in"
- pilih lokasi terdekat dg lokasi anda, dengan memilih pada menu "check-in at"
- klik "check-in here" bila lokasi sdh ditentukan
- tambahkan foto bila diperlukan
- share bisa dilakukan ke tweeter, facebook atau email
- done
Sent from Samsung tablet
Untuk melihat lokasi suatu tempat pada aplikasi Google Map berdasarkan koordinat dapat dilakukan dg mudah.
- tap search di aplikasi Maps
- ketik koordinat dg format desimal:
" South, East (text tambahan)"
- format South. X.YYYYYY. (4 digit blkg koma atau lebih)
- format East. A.BBBBB (4 digit blkg koma atau lebih)
Sehingga format menjadi. :
X.YYYYYY, A.BBBBB (lokasi saya)
Contoh :
-2.074028, 101,401667 (lokasi SPenuh)
Maka di Map akan langsung mengarah titik tersebut.
Cara ini bisa dilakukan untuk beberapa lokasi sebelum file gambar disimpan.
Artikel berikut nya :
Membuat route "Direction" Maps dengan data-koordinat.
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
Dalam melakukan survey, tim diharuskan cukup banyak mendapat data. Kondisi geografi, berupa jenis tanah, sungai, jembatan dll, data koordinat lokasi dan beberapa info penting lainnya.
Khusus utk data koordinat longitude/latitude, data yg diperoleh seringkali dalam bentuk derajat, menit, detik. Padahal bila ingin memeriksanya dalam google map lebih mudah menggunakan desimal. Oleh karena itu harus ada konversi dari format derajat, menit, detik ke format desimal. Berikut ini tahap konversi sederhana :
-Kunjungi website
-masukan derajat, menit, detik pada kolom yg tetrsedia.
-bila pada kolom detik, terdapat satuan koma gunakan titik (.)
-klik "Convert to Decimal"
-akan muncul hasilnya di kolom terbawah.
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
Kali ini ceritanya rada inggris ya....
Biar penulisnya cepet bisa bhs bule...
Long gone are the days of shopping exclusively in stores and spending only money that's in your wallet. Sure, we've all got Pay Pal accounts these days, and purchasing goods and digital content from pretty much anywhere has never been easier. But the sheer number of mobile devices in consumers' hands magnifies the effect, and Juniper Research has recently released a report on just how big the Mobile Payments space has become.
Mobile Money Goes Mainstream is a whitepaper extract from Mobile Payment Strategies- Opportunities & Markets 2011 – 2015, from Juniper Research. When I was first approached about taking a look at the report, I was a bit underwhelmed in that I thought I was in tune with all things mobile, and that people shopping through their iPhones hardly rises to the level of news. As I dug in on the piece, I realized that I am pretty much a bumpkin on the topic.
Big numbers are meant to impress, so let's get right to the one that matters. Juniper estimates that by 2015, the global mobile payments market will be worth almost $700 million dollars. Given that much of that occurs in increments of somewhere under a dollar to around twenty dollars, it is pretty thought provoking from the perspective of volume of transactions. But what is really fascinating to the uninitiated is the clinical breakdown of payment schemes, and exactly what methods are being used to spend these dollars from mobile devices in various parts of the world, and how money spent is spread across both digital and physical goods and funds transfers. This is where the report packs its punch.
It's not oversimplifying the point to say that phones are supplanting cash in some countries, where "Near Field Communications" amount to the wave of a device that makes money change accounts. Then there are in-app billing mechanisms, my phone talking to yours directly for Person2Person payments, and a handful of other classifications of mobile payment schemes. There are definitely preferred ways of mobile shopping as you travel the world, implications for lower-tech countries, and a lot of food for thought for those looking to make revenue off of the opportunities afforded by new ways of getting customers to part with their money. Those with a stake in the mobile payment realm are likely going to want to give this one a read.
As I ponder the implications after digesting the whitepaper summary, I feel the familiar left brain-right brain conflict kick in- the one that frequently pops up when analyzing current IT trends. In this case, I truly appreciate the innovative, technically progressive ways in which those wanting to can shop for content or material items without needing to fork over dollar bills, pounds, pesos, or yuan. At the same time, when it comes to spending money, ease isn't always a good thing, especially for those who don't manage their finances well to begin with. I fully realize that the genie is out of the bottle on mobile payment. Now hopefully somebody will come up with a "uh, do you really NEED that thing you're thinking about buying just because it's so easy to buy that that thing" app.
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
Satu lagi perangkat tablet yang akan meramaikan pasar Indonesia, sungguh perkembangan luarbiasa dalam setahun terakhir, untuk gadgets.
BlackBerry PlayBook dari Research In Motion (RIM). Tablet yang diluncurkan di Jakarta.
Seperti yang dirilis kompas dotcom 7 Juli hari ini.
"BlackBerry PlayBook akan tersedia dalam tiga jenis masing-masing dengan kapasitas 16 GB, 32 GB, dan 64 GB dengan harga 499 dollar AS, 599 dollar AS, dan 699 dollar AS, " kata Hastings Singh, Director Distribution for Asia Pacific Research In Motion, di Ballroom Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Jakarta.
"Saya sangat senang dengan perkembangan developer di Indonesia," tandas Hastings Singh. Bersamaan dengan tersedianya BlackBerry PlayBook, memang sudah ada aplikasi lokal yang siap diakses, antara lain dua aplikasi dari Kompas, masing-masing Kompas Editors' Choice for BlackBerry PlayBook dan for BlackBerry PlayBook.
Kesempatan untuk masyarakat pencinta gadget dan dunia internet untuk mencicipi kemajuan teknologi ini. Sejauh ini pihak pengelola infrastruktur masih mampu menyediakan bandwidth, ditengah gempuran produk gadget berkemampuan 3G atau lebih yg sangat gencar.
Entahlah bagaimana satu atau dua tahun lagi . . ? .